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Betta Fry Food

Betta Fry Food

Betta Starter Food is a great supplement for betta fries.  It will promote growth and maintain the health of your betta fries.  I use this product along with baby brine shrimp and microworms for my young bettas.  It is an excellent food source in case your live food cultures crash.
-Nutritious feed that will help promote growth, health, and maintain vitality
-High protein content, no inclusions of terrestrial animal protein
-Does not cloud water
-Contains 15 grams

Feeding Instructions: Feed according to fry quantity 2-3 times a day. One spoonful can feed about 300 fries. Best for fries 3 days to 1 month old.

Crude Fat...........................10.9%
Crude Fiber........................0.8%
Sum3 Hufa.........................25mg/g dwt

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